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© 2024 Opportunity InternationalOpportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SCO39692).


Country: Rwanda

Solange owns a tailoring business in Rwanda. Before meeting Opportunity International, she was struggling to get by and make her business thrive. Opportunity International provided her an opportunity to change all of that.


Solange owns Mama Esthetique, a tailoring shop in Rwanda. She lives with her husband and their three children and supports her sister, niece, parents and in-laws.

With limited materials and resources, the business was struggling and it was hard to Solange to support her family.

An Opportunity International loan and training changed all this. Solange bought new and different types of machines, enabling her to diversify her designs and be more efficient, expanding her business. 

As a result, her business is now thriving and support not long her family.

Now I can send my children, sister and niece to better schools, buy them uniforms and feed them on a daily basis.

Solange is also now able to support her community. She has shared her business sklills and advice with 70 people in her community. Some of whom are now her employees and some have even started their own businesses.

Some of my students have come to me when they were about to wed and asked me to assist them, given that they were not financially able to support themselves, and I have dressed two of them for free for their wedding day.