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Oxford, OX4 1AW UK

T: +44 (0)1865 725304

© 2024 Opportunity InternationalOpportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SCO39692).

News & Events

The Refugees who are making Uganda into a home for…

by Opportunity International

Refugees are resilient, ambitious and skilled - they just need an opportunity. This Refugee Week, we are celebrating the refugees who are establishing a home and building a better future for themselves…

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Looking back on 7 years of improving livelihoods in…

by Pete Parisetti, Programme Manager at Opportunity International UK.

Project Manager Pete Parisetti shares his reflections on the end of his seven-year project in Rwanda that improved the livelihoods of 19,000 farmers and entrepreneurs.

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Thank you for helping us raise over £130,000!

by Opportunity International

We are constantly amazed by the generosity of our supporters – thank you for your continued support.

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24,000 Farmers to Benefit from New Project in Rwanda

by Opportunity International

Last week we launched our exciting new project in Rwanda aiming to equip at least 24,000 smallholder farmers with the tools and skills they need to work their way out of poverty.

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How are we Tackling the Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion…

by Opportunity International

What do you do when you want to save your hard-earned money somewhere secure, or pay an invoice for a service, or withdraw money to buy food? You go to the bank or open up your mobile banking app on your…

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The day I met Mary, the client behind our Christmas…

by Nana Francois, CEO

Opportunity International UK CEO, Nana Francois, reflects on her experience of meeting our client Mary in Malawi.

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The life changing gift of an Opportunity

by Jenny Dunn, Head of Marketing and Communications

I had the privilege of visiting our work in Malawi earlier this year and saw for myself the life changing gift of an Opportunity...

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Stories of change from refugees and people living with…

by Mandy Burrows and Melissa Bell, Opportunity International UK, and Soledad Muniz, InsightShare.

A partnership between InsightShare and Opportunity International UK to incorporate participatory storytelling into our Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning strategy

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