More than 70% of people in Africa live in rural areas and rely on the land to provide for their family. The challenge for many is not just to provide a daily meal for their family but to take it a step further and move from subsistence to commercial farming.
Our Seeds of Opportunity Appeal sought to highlight this need and raise money to do something about it. By enabling farmers to run more efficient farms and produce a variety of crops, they can then start to sell commercially and begin planning beyond the day to day for a sustainable future for their family. Our appeal ran for three-months over winter 2014/2015 and, with the UK government matching every individual donation, raised a staggering £6 million! Your generous gifts have provided much needed loans, savings accounts and training to thousands of men and women across Africa. One of the projects funded by the appeal supports farmers in Ghana and Mozambique with tailored agricultural financial services.
Here is a snapshot of the huge impact your generous gifts have helped to achieve so far:
- Over 1,200 loans have been given to farmers allowing them to buy seeds and fertiliser for their crops. For many, this has improved their yield and income at harvest.
- Five motorbikes have been purchased enabling loan officers to travel out to see and support farmers in remote communities in Mozambique.
- More than 1,000 farmers in mozambique have been trained in budgeting, saving and good agricultural practices.
- Over 900 farmers have opened savings accounts, helping them to better manage their seasonal income.
Thank you for making this possible.