Mary is a businesswoman and farmer living in Malawi, building a better future for herself and her family with the help of Opportunity International.
Leila lives in a remote village in northern Ghana. A loan and training has transformed her farm.
Caroline owns a popular fruit and vegetable stall in Kampala. She is the sole carer to her four grandchildren.
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© 2025 Opportunity InternationalOpportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SCO39692).
“Investing in education is one of the most decisive ways to help people work their way out of poverty,” said Vicki Escarra, Global CEO of Opportunity International. “Research has shown that education…
We’re delighted to announce that actress Adjoa Andoh has lent her support to Opportunity International’s work and will be presenting our BBC Radio 4 Charity Appeal. Elizabeth Afrakome is a Ghanaian…
In September 2014 I was fortunate to visit Opportunity International’s programmes in Ghana where we support 70,000 small businesses with microloans and provide savings facilities to over 375,000 Ghanaians…
Vicki Escarra, Global CEO of Opportunity International, has received a Committee of 200 Annual Luminary Award for Exceptional Women. Vicki was chosen as this year’s Skills to Succeed Champion for Opportunity…
Less than 10 days after a massive fire ripped through Lilongwe’s Tsoka Market, Opportunity Bank Malawi (OBM) presented client vendors with about $10,300 to help them rebuild their businesses and lives.…
Every person deserves access to clean water and good health. Opportunity International seeks more than growth in number of families reached with financial services. Our deep desire is to equip our clients…
Opportunity International supporters came in second in the Trois Etapes, raising thousands of for those living in poverty.
Remembering Tragedy Twenty years ago, from April to July 1994, genocide tore through Rwanda as ordinary citizens took up arms against their friend, family and neighbor. By early July, as many as 800,000…
A major objective of Opportunity International’s Social Performance Management (SPM) program is to better report on how we are achieving our mission to reach those living in poverty and to help them…
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