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News & Events

Changing Lives with Effective Enterprise

by Sam Bickersteth, Chief Executive

In November last year I visited our work in Uganda.  I was struck by the many stories of change that were shared with me. Time and time again I heard how providing access to financial training, loans…

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The pressing need to support refugees in Uganda

by Sam Bickersteth, Chief Executive

Uganda hosts the third largest population of refugees in the world, after Turkey and Pakistan.  Forced displacement now affects the lives of 71 million women, men and children - imagine the entire population…

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Bridging the Humanitarian and Development divide

by Sam Bickersteth, Chief Executive

This last month I’ve been thinking a lot about Refugees. In November I met Therese in Nakivale refugee settlement in southern Uganda. Theresa is from the Democratic Republic of Congo from which she…

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People don’t want handouts; they want an Opportunity

by Jenny Dunn, Communications Manager

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of visiting one one of our new projects working with Refugees in Uganda. I was there to meet and interview refugees, to find out how our project may potentially meet…

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A Christmas Letter from the CEO

by Sam Bickersteth, Chief Executive

Although just a few weeks into my new role, I can already say it is a privilege to be working for such an incredible organisation. I look forward to all that we will achieve together.

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The Power of Opportunity to transform people's lives

by Sam Bickersteth, Chief Executive

This last week has been Financial Inclusion Week looking specifically at questions around the purpose and approach for microfinance through the lens of financial inclusion. Being new to Opportunity International…

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Introducing Bettina

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

Bettina is 24 and currently expecting her third child. She left school after completing primary education which is free in Malawi. Secondary school is not. Her parents could not afford the fees so she…

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Helping Young Women Get Ahead

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

There are not many employment opportunities in the Northern regions of Ghana.  Many girls and young women living in extreme poverty often leave their rural homes, migrating to more prosperous cities in…

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Big Dreams for a Smallholder Farmer

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

The livelihoods of rice farmers in the Upper East of Ghana are being transformed. Large-scale irrigation projects mean that farmers are now able to have two rice harvests per year: one in the harsh, dry…

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A Thirst for Success

by Kelly Jennings-Robinson

Mariam lives in the Northern Region of Ghana. She is a solo entrepreneur and she has been able to grow a thriving refreshment business.  She is known for making a popular local drink called ‘somkom’…

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