a Growing Opportunity helped Felicia...

Our work with farmers in Rwanda is changing lives
Felicia is one of millions of hard-working smallholder farmers who grow food not only to feed themselves and their families, but also grow a third of the world’s food. Climate change threatens their livelihoods and the supply of food they produce.
Our project in Rwanda, in partnership with Jersey Overseas Aid, is supporting smallholder farmers like Felicia to increase their productivity and earnings, build their resilience to rising climate shocks, and helping them provide for their families.
We work with thousands more clients just like Felicia across sub-Saharan Africa. All who just needed a handup so that they could grow and lift themselves out of poverty. Click the button below to read their stories

Patron HRH
The Princess Royal
As we reflect on the world around us, it is clear that people everywhere share the same hopes and dreams. When meeting Opportunity International’s clients, what stands out to me is their determination to succeed and the hope they hold for the future. Despite challenging situations and a lack of resources, their lives have been changed through the interventions that we have been able to provide.
With access to secure savings, loans, agricultural training and local mentors, our clients are building resilient and sustainable livelihoods. Mary is like so many of the clients I have met who, despite the challenges she has faced, is now able to work towards a better life for her and her family.
By offering a unique combination of training, improvements to livelihoods, and access to financial services, we are able to grow the capability of women like Felicia, a rural smallholder farmer from Rwanda. She has received support from us to grow her farm to make her less subject ot climate shocks from global warming. This help not only enables women to become more financially sustainable, but greatly increases their confidence to play a full role in their families and communities.
Opporunity International believe that offering a hand up rather than a hand out to those that need it most is the best way to see long term change.