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One Woman. One Opportunity.

By Kelly Jennings-Robinson

Happy International Women's Day! 

Did you know that 95% of Opportunity International's loan clients are women

Why? A woman is an investment. A woman is a change-agent. She can feed her family. Raise her children. Build her business. Manage her farm. Employ her neighbours. She can inspire sustainable transformation and create a new story for herself, her children and her entire community. A women is resilient and determined in the face of hardship. A woman is powerful and full of often-untapped potential. A woman can change the world. But first, she needs to be given an opportunity.

To celebrate International Women's Day, we want you to meet our amazing client, Mujawimana Marie Josee. She lives in Rwanda, a country where women currently outnumber men and play a major role in developing the economy. She has been given an opportunity in the form of training and a loan. Thanks to your generous support, Mujawimana has been able to build financial security, create stability for her family, and break free from the cycle of poverty for the first time in her life.

My name is Mujawimana Marie Josee. I farm rice and maize. I was farming before but I didn't get good yields. My first harvest produced no rice, only hay for grazing. The second time, I harvested 78kg of rice, but now I've been working with Urwego Bank for three seasons, and yields have been increasing tremendously. I increased my efforts and bought manure so the yield was 283kg. For the next loan cycle, I harvested 340kg from the same area. Up to now, for the current season, I have harvested 360kg of rice. The best impact from the loan. I am living in the common family house.  Now that my income has increased, I've started to build my own house. It's already partly roofed, and I think from the current harvest, I'll roof the other side.  Click here  to hear Mujawimana in her own words. 


Opportunity International continues to empower women in Rwanda and across Sub-Saharan Africa to develop new roles as income earners through access to savings and loans and transformative training in agriculture and entrepreneurship. This is only possible because of your support.You help women change the world. Thank you for the opportunity.


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