I have had the privilege to meet a number of the clients we serve, most recently on a trip to Uganda earlier this year. As always I was struck by their work-ethic, ambition and resourcefulness. It is the same drive and determination I saw in those I worked with in the City of London.Yet our clients have faced the barriers of extreme poverty, living in tough environments with few resources and support to help them thrive.
Through the provision of loans, savings, training and support we are enabling people to overcome these barriers of poverty and achieve their full potential. In Uganda I met school children taught by trained teachers in well-equipped schools, and farmers who are now growing enough food to feed their family and sell in the market with a profit. This is testament to the transformational impact our programmes have. All of which is only made possible thanks to your generosity.
Your remarkable support unlocks the potential of individuals and their communities in some of the poorest communities in Africa. Thousands of people are now building secure and sustainable businesses. Thank you.
