Mary is a businesswoman and farmer living in Malawi, building a better future for herself and her family with the help of Opportunity International.
Leila lives in a remote village in northern Ghana. A loan and training has transformed her farm.
Caroline owns a popular fruit and vegetable stall in Kampala. She is the sole carer to her four grandchildren.
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T: +44 (0)1865 725304
© 2025 Opportunity InternationalOpportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SCO39692).
This month (and to our delight!), Opportunity International UK was selected as the partner charity for Oxford Forum for International Development's annual conference - one of the largest student-led development…
In March 2020 I had the opportunity to visit Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda for some participatory video fieldwork with Insight share (an expert in using media tools to give people a voice in participating…
In March 2020, as part of our Refugee project, we conducted our first participatory video fieldwork. In partnership with InsightShare – an expert in using media tools to give people a voice in participating…
Today, Opportunity International celebrates International Day of Persons with Disability. We support the empowerment of all people with a disability, visible or invisible, and promote equal opportunities…
In 2019 we embarked on an exciting new project working with Refugees in Uganda. To get a deeper understanding of the people we were serving, their needs and experiences, we visited the Nakivale Refugee…
Many of us are relying on digital connections to sustain our work, finances and social lives during COVID-19 and it’s restrictions yet over four billion people around the world remain digitally excluded.…
The impact of COVID-19 on our jobs, lives and communities is evolving daily. It is the same for our clients in Africa. They too wonder if they will have a job next month, be able to feed their family and…
An immediate concern, as we bring the lockdown to an end, is the fate of an estimated 30 million children who according to UNESCO may never return to school. For these, the world’s least advantaged children,…
Elizabeth is a fabric trader in Ghana. With a loan and financial training support from our partner organisation Sinapi Aba, she had grown her business and increased her income which allowed her to build…
Every community in the world has been effected by COVID-19. For all of us life has changed dramatically. We are working tirelessly with our partners on the ground to best support our clients at this…
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