Join us in empowering female change agents today.

With your help the Women and Girls’ Appeal will transform over 4,000 women and girls into change agents, working for a more prosperous future for their families and communities and creating jobs for themselves and others.


When a woman is empowered with a job and an income she will feed her family, educate her children and employ her neighbours. That’s why 94% of Opportunity’s clients are women.

We invest in

Providing schools with finance to increase capacity and offering parents loans to keep their children in school.

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We invest in farmers

Developing innovative agricultural finance tools and technical know-how that allow farmers to improve crop yields and generate profits.

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We invest in

Empowering women to build their businesses, because they reinvest 90% of their earnings into their families, deepening the impact of our investment.

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We invest in mothers
sustaining happy families

Building innovative tools that extend our reach to the most remote communities, secure our clients’ hard-earned capital and increase operational efficiency.

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I want to give opportunity to women and girls worldwide.


£25 a month will empower 24 girls through our Girls Clubs to be powerful changes agents for the future.


£50 a month will help launch our innovative new WASH programme in Ghana giving women and girls dignity and access to safe drinking water.


£75 a month will empower hundreds of women in Rwanda every month with the knowledge and skills to use financial services to break free from poverty.


£120 a month will give a dozen mothers a school fee loan for the year, transforming the futures of their daughters.


£500 a month will pay for a specialised Agricultural Loan Officer to support, train and guide smallholder female farmers in Ghana and Mozambique.

I want to be part of the change for the next generation

We're on our way to impacting
over 4,000 women and girls


women and girls supported so far.
Thank you!

When women have equal access to education, and go on to participate fully in business and economic decision-making, they are a key driving force against poverty.

How else can I get involved?

Spread the word to your friends, families and colleagues. With more supporters we can truly impact the lives of thousands of women and girls living in poverty.


Join the Women’s Opportunity Network (WON)


Why not ask your employer?
Did you know many employers will match your charitable donation and may even have a fund from which to make grants to charitable causes?

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A company grant will impact hundreds more women


£10,000 will support 100 farmers in Rwanda transforming the lives of 600 family members and creating or sustaining 150 jobs.


£25,000 will provide improvement loans to 6 schools providing education to 1,100 girls and creating employment opportunities across 6 communities.


£50,000 will help us recruit experts to launch our exciting new WASH programme in Ghana.

I want to know how my company can help

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Where Your Donation Goes

Opportunity International UK will use your gifts where they can have the greatest impact within our global programmes. You can learn more about how Opportunity International works with women and girls here.

The Women’s and Girls Appeal is a fundraising campaign of Opportunity International UK, registered as a charity (1107713).